Blog Every Day in April – Day 5 Tuesday, Apr 5 2011 

So I start a new job tomorrow and I’m really excited! Things happened so quickly and I wasn’t really looking (but I did want a change, or at least more hours) and as so often happens with me this opportunity has seemingly landed in my lap. I am hopeful it will pan out and possibly lead to bigger things. I did a reading this morning and it seems very positive. Time will tell. The universe has been sending me signs for months, but I was too obtuse to read them. Temperance. Balance in all things. Having the conviction to remain calm amidst the change. I will be the best I can be in all I undertake.

Good night!

Day Five  ✓

~ Always remember to add a little SPICE to your life! ~

Blog Every Day in April – Day 4 Monday, Apr 4 2011 

We are all connected. I’m trying to reinvent myself, but in so doing, I understand my actions also affect those around me. I am an empath, therefore I need to believe that my choices result not just in what’s best for me but also for those I care about. That being said, I hope I can start this new job on Wednesday!

Day Four  ✓

~ Always remember to add a little SPICE to your life! ~

Blog Every Day in April – Day 3 Sunday, Apr 3 2011 

Focus. I will use this blog to my advantage and begin compiling my thoughts for a bigger project that I have been trying to start. I want to write a book but I find the idea so daunting. Where to start? In which direction to head? Fiction or non-fiction? If fiction, how to begin character development? I’ve always heard that in order to call yourself a writer, first and foremost you have to write….every day. Well, it’s April! And I already vowed to blog EVERY day in April. And blogging is writing….isn’t it? Absolutely!

I already know the title of my book. It came to me this past October, as I was preparing for NaNoWriMo (which I failed miserably at – I wrote less than 500 words and gave up!). My excuse was that I had come up with such a great idea for a book that to try to write 50,000 words in a month simply wouldn’t do it justice. I was just going to focus on organizing my thoughts and beginning this masterpiece. Focus.

So what do I have to show for all my “effort” thus far? A 3×3 post-it note pad with 3 1/2 pages of brainstorming. Yep. I feel so accomplished! And now I will unveil the title of my opus….but to be fair, I am encrypting it (I don’t want anyone stealing my thunder!) so without further ado….


and a short preview (from aforementioned post-its):

  • germaphobia
  • genetic engineering
  • fear factor
  • intolerance
  • political mudslinging
  • legislation of morality
  • personal accountability
  • “Reading class is BORING!”
  • education reform (including standardized testing, teacher merit pay, parent involvement)
  • reality tv

My best guess is this may become a collection of short-stories, vignettes if you will. I’m hoping people will laugh, but more importantly that people will think and then act.

This blog will be my canvas; the keyboard, my palette. I have 27 more days in which to get some of the meat onto the bone. By May 1st, I can assess my progress and see if I have the stuff that makes a great writer. Hell, I’ll even settle for good.


Day Three  ✓

~ Always remember to add a little SPICE to your life! ~

Blog Every Day in April – Day 2 Saturday, Apr 2 2011 

Sociology. Today I watched people as I often do. I observed how two people viewing the same situation from differing perspectives can walk away with diametrically conflicting conclusions. Part of it is frame of reference. Part of it is state of mind/sobriety. Regardless, it’s a fascinating study and I take it all in. My husband looked at me at one point, recognizing as I made my own connections and commented on how analytical I am. I like to listen to all sides. I try to get to the heart by peeling back each layer. I guess that’s why I love studying history so much. Point of view affects the story. People knowingly or unknowingly contradict themselves. Our own eyes can and do deceive us. I’m beginning a study of the Hawaiian Huna  and my first lesson is “ike” which means “the world is what you think it is.” Much like one of my favorite quotes, perception is reality. That’s all I have today.

Day Two  ✓

~ Always remember to add a little SPICE to your life! ~

Blog Every Day in April – Day 1 Friday, Apr 1 2011 

Is it too late? *glances at clock* Okay! 11:11 pm. Just right for a chronic procrastinator and night owl. So, I hereby accept this challenge to “Blog Every Day in April.” I can’t guarantee it’ll be pretty, or even witty, and as a matter fact this might get downright shitty (see what I mean?). I’ve never attempted to blog before. I’ve actually been trying to motivate myself to put pen to paper in an effort to journal….for years….with no result! I’m excited about this, though. I have so many thoughts in my head. So many ideas, observations, philosophical musings, opinions, judgements. It would be a damn shame to keep them all to myself. Or when the month is through, I will have learned a very valuable lesson about keeping my thoughts private. Either way, I’ve got nothing to lose!

Day One  ✓

~ Always remember to add a little SPICE to your life! ~