Is it too late? *glances at clock* Okay! 11:11 pm. Just right for a chronic procrastinator and night owl. So, I hereby accept this challenge to “Blog Every Day in April.” I can’t guarantee it’ll be pretty, or even witty, and as a matter fact this might get downright shitty (see what I mean?). I’ve never attempted to blog before. I’ve actually been trying to motivate myself to put pen to paper in an effort to journal….for years….with no result! I’m excited about this, though. I have so many thoughts in my head. So many ideas, observations, philosophical musings, opinions, judgements. It would be a damn shame to keep them all to myself. Or when the month is through, I will have learned a very valuable lesson about keeping my thoughts private. Either way, I’ve got nothing to lose!

Day One  ✓

~ Always remember to add a little SPICE to your life! ~